Unexpectedly, a taiwanese renowned hair stylist and regular guest on popular beauty TV programme, Nu Ren Wo Zui Da, Lu Xiao Man is sharing her secrets at the BookFest also, promoting her Hair styling book...
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Lu Xiao Man 陆小曼 @ BookFest
Unexpectedly, a taiwanese renowned hair stylist and regular guest on popular beauty TV programme, Nu Ren Wo Zui Da, Lu Xiao Man is sharing her secrets at the BookFest also, promoting her Hair styling book...
Thursday, December 17, 2009
The Wedding Pledge 31.12.2009
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Standard Chartered Marathon 6 Dec 2009
was married on the same day, of course, i was one of the bridesmaid.
PS: I didnt manage to take photo on the day.
At least , i completed another 10km this year
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Wedding @ Casa Del Mar - 21st Nov 2009
The rains was stopped just 5 mins before wedding ceremonny commences.
The bride & groom made weddinng vows at Langkawi!
Followed by wedding dinner.
Desserts for newly weds!
Overall, it was an unique and memorable wedding,
well-arranged by the project manager @ Casa Del Mar.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Great Eastern Women 10K 2009
Friday, November 6, 2009
Normal Flu or H1N1 Flu?
Headache & Sore Throat!
Moreover, my back ache is back again. My shoulder and half-right body is feeling numb now.
It's time to meet Chinese Sinseh at chinatown tmr :(
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

(4) Convocation - Curtin University of Technology

Waited for 10 months to attend convocation!
Monday, July 13, 2009
The Hamster
Sunday, June 28, 2009
ToTo, MoMo, KiKi, KoKo & YoYo!
PS: I dont have the photo of YoYo.
He is very sick now, as his eyes was beaten by the wife, Toto.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
After 3 years, we're still looked the same as year 2003. (Oops!)
The gathering was too short & i didnt have enough time to talk to everybody.
Thus, i have few words to all of you in my blog.
(1) Pei Yun - Today, someone is getting married and this is the reason you brought us here.
Congrats! Finally, you have found Mr. Right.
(2) Sammie - You're so SLIM! I was started to jealous you.
(3) Daryl - Surprised that you're running an online Bak Kut teh (http://www.klangbakkutteh.webs.com/). My advice: you should have free tasting session for us.
(4) Hao Jie - Full of Biz opportunities. Hope to work with you in future.
(5) Weilin- Dont have the time to talk to you. Too bad.
(6) Nickie - Pity you again.. Kent never let you go.
(7) Michelle (Chng) - Dont have the time to talk to you. Too bad.
(8) Joycie - Cant recognize you at the first glance. Pretty Gal sia 111
(9) Dewi - Sex Goddess has been flying around to do sex collection. Can give me a better gift next time?
(10) Raine - Dont have the time to talk to you. Too bad.
(11) Michelle (Huang) - Your face were so pale. Works is never finished. Spend more time to rest.
H0wever, many of classmates never turned up... Kent, Amanda, Clara & etc...
So, when is the next gathering???
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
I felt sad.
A week ago, my uncle (Father's brother) was hospitalised due to the diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. (These are the common illness among all the senior citizens. It's not a big deal anyway as i thought. I was wrong. In long term, the kidney and liver is unable to function as normal if never control diet properly)
After consultation, The doctor advised that he would only have 2 years to live due to his current condition... Unexpectedly, he passed away one day after discharginng from the hospital.
PS: Cherish the love, Cherish the life.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
New Blogskin
Thus, i decided to give me a chance and change to a new skin!
Sunflower theme - it is definitely not my favo's flower. (I still prefer tulips - missing Amsterdam). But, this is the only skin that i had found so far.
Actually, i was thinking of getting "Mushroom" theme blogskin. It suits my personality, style and my look? For those who dont know the joke behind, just forget about it.
The new skin! The new entry! Lastly, The new life!
Monday, June 8, 2009
HPV Vaccination
Monday, May 25, 2009
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Monday, May 4, 2009


Wednesday, March 25, 2009
National Museum of Singapore
Then, they provide Dress-Up corner,
which the visitors are given a chance to design / cusotmize the dress.
#1 - The first design - look like indian style
#2 - The second design - look like Malay style
Then, i designed some clothes. It got traditional chinese style and casual style.
It is very bad design.
Then, this is another design from my bf.
erm... Really different from mine.
PS: the gallery is available till june 7th 2009.